Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I.R.I.S., Inc. support Sarcoidosis Awareness Day with PURPLE & WHITE!

APRIL 13th, 2011 is (PURPLE & WHITE) Day for SARCOIDOSIS AWARENESS! Purple is the color symbolizing Sarcoidosis. Globally, I.R.I.S., Inc. has contacted a network of companies, individuals on all levels to show support. The first line to gaining more momentum in finding a cure is awareness. This leads to a deeper understanding of knowledge.
The Central Indiana Sarcoidosis Support Group, Inc., located in the State of Indiana is a leader in creating awareness and has asked anyone willing to support to wear Purple and White. 
I.R.I.S., Inc. gives 100% support to its sister non-for-profit organization and acknowledges the the fight is not over until there is a cure. Too many people are still unaware of the disease which does not discriminate. For more information of how you can support Sarcoidosis, please contact using the following information:

Home Office:
CISSG, Inc. - INDIANAPOLIS, IN (317) 589-8091
McCordsville, Indianapolis, IN 46055

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