Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Please Show your Support - Spread the word! Educate & Save Lives!

From the President of I.R.I.S, Inc., in association with the Central Indiana Sarcoidosis Support Group, Inc.:

April Is National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month!

In recognition and celebration of Sarcoidosis Awareness Month, the Central Indiana Sarcoidosis Support Group is pleased to announce that on  Saturday, April 23rd, we will be hosting a Sarcoidosis Awareness Forum called a  "Sip and Chat"  that will feature Karen Wolf, MD, from the Indiana University School of Medicine who will be speaking on the topic of "Sarcoidosis, What Is It?". Dr. Wolf will be joined by a patient panel to give insight from a patient’s perspective about how it feels to live with a chronic illness like Sarcoidosis.  Family, friends and members of the general public are most welcome to attend.

The Sarcoidosis Awareness Forum will also feature inspirational Author Gary Leon Martin who will be speaking about his book "One Step Away" that chronicles his spiritual journey, living and coping with Cardiac Sarcoidosis.  He will also have his book "One Step Away" available for purchase.  Please plan on joining us as we know you will leave encouraged and uplifted after hearing his message of love, peace and spiritual healing.

Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011
Time: 3:00pm-5:00pm
Location: Washington Park North Family Center
2702 Kessler Boulevard West Drive
Indpls, IN  46228

There is no fee to participate in this FREE patient education forum.
However, because space is limited we encourage early arrival.
Refreshments will be served.

For Additional Information Please Call 317-589-8091
Or go to
(The website will be updated throughout April 2011)


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